Soft Tissue Solutions


Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is a technique for stimulating healing in areas of soft tissue injury or restriction. At Soft Tissue Solutions, we use cupping as a complement to our other treatment modalities.

In Cupping therapy, cups are applied to the affected areas and suction is used to create a vacuum within the cups. This causes the skin and underlying tissues to be slightly drawn up into the cup, resulting in improved blood flow to the area and leaving the flesh slightly bruised when finished. The enhanced blood flow and subsequent healing process help to flush out waste products and dilute inflammatory agents. Cupping can also stimulate the mechanoreceptors of painful areas or muscle knots, disrupting the neurological feedback loop that was causing the muscle tension and pain.

  • What is a typical course of treatment?

    A Cupping session takes approximately 15-20 minutes following initial assessment.

    For many patients, a single treatment session can bring relief. Athletes and others who routinely engage in strenuous activity may benefit from regularly scheduled cupping treatments.

  • When will the results of treatment begin to be felt?

    Most patients begin to feel relief almost immediately after their session, with improvement continuing as the residual bruising heals.

  • What does Cupping therapy feel like?

    During treatment, patients may feel some heat or tightness around the cup. Many report the sessions to be relaxing.

  • What are some of the benefits?

    Cupping offers several benefits when used in conjunction with other modes of treatment. These include:

    • Relief and results starting from the very first session
    • Enhanced circulation to further hasten the healing process
    • Complementing the "compressive" nature of other soft tissue work by being "distractive" – helping to separate layers of skin, muscle, and fascia as they are pulled into the cup

  • What conditions can be treated?

    Cupping is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain and injury rehabilitation.

    It can be used in treatment of the following conditions and more.

    • Myofascial trigger points and restrictions
    • Acute muscle spasm/strain

  • Will there be pain after Cupping?

    Occasionally, patients report a slight increase in pain after a treatment. This temporary increase may be due to an increase in localized blood flow, increased vascular activity, increased cellular activity, or a number of other healing effects.

    Localized bruising is a common side effect of Cupping therapy. Typically, the bruises fade in 3-10 days. It's all part of the overall healing process.

  • Are there any precautions or contraindications for Cupping?

    Yes. General contraindications and/or precautions include:

    • Bleeding disorders or excessive tendency to bruise
    • Blood thinning medications such as Coumadin or Heparin
    • Skin infections or wounds in the area of treatment